Sunday, June 06, 2010

Germany, France, and Wales

These past couple of weeks have come with a good deal of travel. I spent some time in Germany and France, followed by a short car camping trip in Wales this weekend with Kevin, Lisa, and Kate.
Germany was good. It was a short trip, and for work, but I was able to get everything I needed to get accomplished done in two days.

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris

St. Eustache Cathedral, Paris

St. Eustache Cathedral, Paris

Following Germany, I made my way to France for the Memorial Day weekend. I stayed in Paris, but seeing as it was Memorial Day, it seems fitting that I was able to take some trips to the Beaches of Normandy as well as Belleau Wood. That made for a lot more driving than I would have liked, but you can't win them all. The trip itself was great. Paris is probably my favorite city to visit. There are great monuments, parks, and buildings everywhere you turn. I could spend a lot more time there. Maybe some day I will...

Belleau Wood Memorial and Cemetery

This weekend, with the weather sunny and warm, we took a last minute car camping trip to Wales for some hiking in Snowdonia. It was a bit risky due to the issues with my car. According to the mechanic, my head gasket is going and I could have a catastrophic failure at any time. With that being said, the weather was great and the risk paid off. No major car issues, besides being thirsty for oil. The sun was shining and weather was warm and we ended up with some decent sunburn.

Snowdon, Snowdonia National Park, WalesConwy Castle, Wales; the best castle I've seen so far in the UK.

It sounds like later this summer Kate and I may be able to meet up with Stefan and Wang Man when they are back in Germany.The planning for the car camping trip for Scandinavia has started. We may not make it to as many countries as we would like, but it's shaping up to be a good trip.

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