Today we went fishing on the high seas. The ocean was at 4-6 feet today, which wasn't too bad, but definitely some decent sized rollers (2 cases of sea sickness with one guy throwing up about 4 times- crazy). We didn't catch anything, but it was a pretty good time none the less. Not only that, but now we know that we can, in fact, sail and fish at the same time.
Since the seas were a bit rough, and we were only out in the ocean for about 2 hours, we decided to go to the sand bar in the bay. While out there we were doing our typical swimming, grilling, and messing around that we usually do. Since the tide was ebbing (this is important in a little bit), the keel started to rub against the sand as the water level lowered. I wanted to go out and move the anchors to avoid the scraping, but they were still pretty deep, so I took goggles with me so that I could find and plant them a bit easier. As I prepared to jump off, I made the awesome decision to hold the goggles behind my back and jump head first in order to avoid dropping the goggles. Well, the water had gone down a bit and I smashed my head into the sand. From there, I'm still a bit fuzzy. I somehow climbed onto the boat (I don't remember) and made my way to the V-berth. I laid down for a little bit. While I was down there Derek asked me some questions. One of them was, "what day is it?" and I had no idea. I was trying to put it all together in my head, "well, I played softball during the day, so it is the weekend." For the life of me I couldn't figure out if I had played the day before or that same day. I didn't even remember that we were fishing. That has never happened to me before. I was pretty out of it for a while.
Right now I am feeling a bit better. My memory started coming back after about 30 minutes. I still don't know how I got from the water to the V-berth, though. They said that I climbed up, which is pretty crazy because I don't have a ladder and it takes a bit of struggling to get out of the water. I must be a better climber when I'm dizzy then when I'm not.
At any rate, my back and neck are shooting with pain and my right arm is slightly numb, although the feeling is coming back quickly. My friend, Dr. Mike, told me to go to the hospital to check it out. I would like to, but when I called the emergency room, they said not to come in until around midnight (almost 7 hours from the time I called) because they are really backed up. Good thing I'm not choking, because I am terrible at holding my breath and, at most, I could only hold on for half that time without dropping. On the bright side, I do have an appointment open to me at midnight, on a Sunday--before I have to be at work at 4:30am tomorrow.
Somehow I don't think I will be awake at midnight.
You can't really tell, but if you look by the hair line you can see where I applied force to teach the sand a lesson. I think it learned it's lesson and I won't have to head-butt it any more. At least I hope so.
So did you go in? Mike told me about it, and I couldn't figure out the no-hands-head-first-dive strategy, but now it makes sense. I hope its feeling better.
I hope you post again soon so I know you are still alive. OUCH!
I did end up going. I was going to wait until morning, but a friend of mine heard some stories of people that did the same thing and had some problems. He showed up at my apartment and took me to the hospital. Nothing is broken and no internal bleeding. Just a sprained neck and a concussion. They tell me that I am "lucky". The fact that I no longer have to support the weight of my own head (due to the neck brace) does make sitting in front of a computer all day a bit easier.
Glad you are lucky.
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