Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Chicken in Every Pot (but not literally)

I'm not exactly sure why, but I have been baking and making home made stews a lot lately. I think it may have something to do with the cold weather (in the morning it gets cold). At any rate, in the past few weeks I have made vegetable-rice stew in a beef broth twice, a few loaves of honey wheat oatmeal bread, chili, and a pizza from scratch. One of the things I go for is to avoid getting anything out of a can or pre-made. If it comes fresh, I get it that way, within reason. I soaked dried kidney beans for a full day in order to use them in the chili, but I bought the wheat flour already ground.

The most surprising thing to me is how quick and easy it is to make things from scratch. I guess I haven't tried anything difficult, but even so it still tastes pretty good. It's also fun throwing things into a pot and seeing how it ends up tasting. When everyone comes over on Wednesday for our weekly TV-on-DVD night (Arrested Development, season 2, disk 2 this week, if you are interested) I will spring another stew on them.


Sheila said...

That looks amazing. Makes me hungry for some stew, especially since its finally winter here.

michael said...

It does look good. I could go for some hot stew, it is freezing here in Maine.