Thursday, September 13, 2007

(Another) Typhoon

Below is an actual conversation I had with two co-workers this morning:

Me: The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days. I'm going to try to get a beach volleyball game going this weekend. You guys in?

Guy 1: You kidding? It's almost the weekend. You know that means we are going to have a typhoon or at least two days of rain.

Me: It does seem that way sometimes, doesn't it? That has stopped me from going out the past three weekends I had plans.

Guy 2: You guys do know that there is a typhoon coming in this weekend, right?

Me: Wait... for real, or are you saying that because it always seems to be the case?

Guy 2: For real. Check the weather.

Guy 1: I didn't know about that, but around here, it's a safe assumption.

Sure enough.

AND since I got to deal with the whole Japanese jail incident last weekend, I have no groceries this week and not even gas in my car. If I were in the mood for a touch of melodrama, I would claim that the only way I can survive the weekend will be by drinking water from the toilet and eating melon mint gum. However, I will probably just bite the bullet and buy expensive groceries from a convenience store since I can't make it to the supermarket.

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