Tomorrow, Saturday, we are having a party at the house. I have been in San Antonio all week (I am typing this from the airport... free wireless!), so I wanted to get as much prepared last week as possible. For better or for worse, I was only able to work in the yard.
My roommate Valerie was trimming some vines and I joined her in the yard around 9:00am. Before all was said and done around 1:00pm, it looked like we felled an entire forest. After that I had to prepare for the trip. We'll see how much more house cleaning I get to tonight, but I'm guessing that after 14 hours of flights and layovers, I won't feel like doing much.
One of my pet peeves is low hanging trees. I like being able to walk without ducking, at least when I am outside. The yard is now very walkable.
Green waste pick-up is the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. We'll see how long it takes to stuff this, piece by piece, into the green waste container - twice per month.
San Antonio was a good time. I was recently promoted at work to a mid-level manager type position. One of the benefits is that I should get to travel more. This was my first trip since the promotion and I was supposed to take another one the first week of September. I think that is the same number of work trips I have taken in the last four years.
There was an outdoor airplane museum just off I-410. This is an SR-71 Blackbird. The metal felt like aluminum foil. I still can't figure out of it was a real plane or just a replica. It seemed too light and thin...
And, of course, what is a work trip without experiencing something new with your coworkers? This was my first time getting serenaded by a mariachi band. Muy divertido.
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